The Inspire Shop

A creative sensory experience curated with biblical teaching + neuroscience to renew the mind and spirit, while physically calming the body.


when mama ain't happy.

Tiffany NicoleComment
Growing up, I never understood the plaque lovingly given to my mama by my aunt: when mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy, and Mama's reluctance about it. Essentially, it is a little like calling the kettle black and goes along with the old adage I learned from my grandfather in law a few years back: happy wife, happy life.

The core truth is the enormous impact we have as mamas and wives in our home. We have the ability to set the tone. For fun and learning or anger and condemnation.

Proverbs has a few things to say about what it is like to live with a wife who chooses the latter (and it even says it twice):

Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife. Proverbs 21:9 + Proverbs 25:24

A quarrelsome wife is like the constant dripping of a leaky roof. Proverbs 19:13 + Proverbs 27:15

No mama or wife wants to be described as quarrelsome but as days progress and seasons change, it can be easy to get stuck in routine and for complaining to become a go to language, so I thought I would share my "go tos" when things get a little tough.


Being a prayerful wife and or mama is like going to war for to defend your country and a way to keep God at the center of your home. Prayer is powerful and the way to combat spiritual warfare, to bring about a servants heart in yourself and others, and a means to be in relation with the God of the universe constantly.

In the midst of a disagreement with your spouse or child, taking time to invite God in to the situation is life changing. It gives new perspective and renews the heart and mind. It is hard to be bitter in the presence of a powerful God and a great reminder of his sovereignty overall.

Having someone praying for you throughout the day is a powerful weapon, as well. Being able to text a friend or spouse during a rough patch is encouraging for both parties involved, witnessing the need and the response.


Taking a break throughout the day to read scripture brings God's word to life, even if it is just a moment. Instead of reaching for Facebook or other social media, open your bible to see what God has to say, if only for a few verses.

Having a set time through the day to study scripture is key to growing in your faith and trust in God, allowing you to reflect him during the harder times.  

If you do not have a chance to read, listening to scripture is a great option, too. The YouVersion Bible App has an audio portion that reads the bible to you, perfect to listen to in the car or while you do dishes. SeedsFamily Worship puts scripture put to songs, which I love to listen to anytime but really comes in handy on harder days.

Sing praise songs

When worship starts, it is hard to stay angry or mad. Being able to change your focus from the situation to God makes everything seem a little smaller and keeps God in perspective. 

Praying for you, whether your home is brimming with peace of filled with discontentment, that you would encounter God throughout your day and that it would change the ambience of your home. Praying that God would show you ways to make your home a haven and that you would diligently out in work to make it so, whether by picking up extra chores or not perusing a disagreement. Praying you would cloth yourself with strength and peace and mercy and strength as you serve your family and that you would be able to pour it out on them.

Here's to mamas and setting the tone. 

Guest Post: Imperfect Mom Confessional

Tiffany NicoleComment

This morning I am excited to be apart of the Imperfect Mom Confessionals Series hosted by Jenn at Busy Being Blessed. Mamas and writers from around the web are coming together to speak Truth about mamahood from its joys to the trials and how Jesus comes to rescue always. 

Too often in life, especially in parenting, our best feet are put forward along with perfectly set smiles and the appearance that everything is grandeur. But the more life happens and the deeper with Jesus I get, the more I see the imperfections of people and it almost hurts to see those with their perfectly painted smiles when deep down it is easy to see they are truly breaking. Facades are not a life but a lack there of and this series is about getting real.

So here is a little bit more of what mamahood and all its imperfections has taught me so far.

Embracing the imperfection as a mom is the place in mamahood where transformation takes place and dependence on God deepens. Mamahood is the piecing together of a puzzle. Each piece giving us a bigger picture of Jesus. Of his grace and mercy and love. With each passing season and newly formed stories, our reflection grows closer to his.

My soul has stretched along with my skin, revealing more depth and wisdom. It has exposed every flaw, every sin, every negative, bad part in me that I never knew existed, yet grown me closer to Christ. It has changed me in ways I could never have imagined and I am only four years in.

Mamahood has pushed me to binge eating chocolate chips in the cupboard during tantrums and bouts of crying; praying, God help me and help me stop eating these things. I never understood stress eating prior.

Read the rest over here and be sure to follow the series as other bloggers share their thoughts and stories. 

There is also a Pinterest Board full of great encouragement + resources for mamas. Have a look =)

favorite resources

Tiffany NicoleComment

Nothing beats a great church with biblical teaching and awesome community, along with personal bible study, but there are other awesome resources that compliment them well. Thought I would share some of my favorites that I use weekly, if not daily. Think of them as old friends with lots of wisdom to give. Great for encouragement and answering practical issues within marriage, parenting, culture and everywhere in between.

I keep the widget on the front of my phone so there is always scripture to look at when I open it. Not to mention I love having access to the bible wherever I am. And it's a free app.

This site has parenting advice, stories of mamahood and God rolled in to one. If you are a mama, you cannot go wrong checking this out.

Full of practical information on relationships, marriage, parenting and life in general. I LOVE the podcasts. I always learn something from them.

Geared to women in different life stages, it has inspiring posts about life and God. And of course the annual free in(RL) conference is amazing

Music is HUGE influencer for me and since I have started listening to Christian music there is nothing I enjoy listening to more. I highly recommend making the switch for a week and see the difference it makes in your daily routines. 

I am usually not one to recommend things but I think it is important to share some resources that help my walk. Perhaps God will use them to help you, too. This is not a sponsored post, just some recommendations from one friend to another. Hope enjoy them as much as I do.

What are some of your favorites?