The Inspire Shop

a note of thanksgiving.

Tiffany NicoleComment
I am thankful that God has not left me where I was but keeps moving me forward in to deeper and more meaningful relationship, which keeps changing me for the better. I am thankful to look back at my failures and short comings and know that it is not who I am now. I am thankful for progress and pushing and challenging and knowing that only by God's mercy + grace am I able to put one foot in front of the other.

I am thankful for the chaos and the crazy because I am able to embrace and savor the stillness that much better - being able to bask in his goodness in both and see that he good.

I am thankful for the colorful leaves that are piling on the grass in my backyard and slowing turned crunchy and brown because it is proof time is ticking and a reminder not to waste it and just how beautiful a creator God is. And I get to witness his handy work each day. Leaf by leaf. Lesson by lesson.

I am thankful for the two littles that constantly grab my feet and yell mama from the other room because God created them for me. Just for me. For me to care for and love. To share in eye color and mannerisms and dance parties. And to make me ever braver and stronger and more patient still.

I am thankful for a husband to handles my crazy self with constant grace and encouragement, more than I could ever give myself. Who pops kettle corn and cooks for me just because. Who gives me breaks and tells me to stop because sometimes I do not know when to sit down. Who constantly teaches me to keep giving and serving because that is what we are here to do.

Praying you find yourself doing more thanking than complaining or compairing as the year rounds out and that your eyes are opened to all the blessings around you. That your eyes would be met with new and beautiful things that point you to the creator. Praying that despite your circumstance, your heart would start cultivating thankfulness and be ever renewed.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise;
 give thanks to him and praise his name. 
Psalm 100:4

tree ornament tutorial l pocket blessings december craft

Tiffany NicoleComment

Hope you will be crafting along with Pocket Blessings this month, as we make these sweet tree ornaments. The message behind them can be found here. We are doing both fabric ornaments and ones made out of sticks. There is a tutorial on how to make the stick one here. Since I could not find one on how to make the fabric ones, here is a quick step by step.

What you need: 

  • fabric scraps  
  • needle + thread  or sewing machine, I used my machine 
  • scissors 
  • ribbon, 3" long 
  • 2 cotton balls 
  • tree template, click to download or cut your own

Cut tree template out of fabric. Mix and match sizes to your liking. 

I used pinking shears for the tree top to add some flair. If you want to embellish with any beads or ribbon, this would be the time to do so. 

Sew from bottom to top of tree and add ribbon about 1/2" before the top. I used an 1/8" seam allowance. 

Be sure to fold ribbon in half if you would like to have a loop for hanging. 

Sew down. Stuff to your liking. I took apart the cotton balls, so it was not too firm. Half of one stuffed the base and 1 1/2 for the tree top. 

Center the base on the tree and pin, leaving about 1/4" to sew. 

Finishing sewing bottom of the triangle. Sew the three sides of the base and you are finished. 

And no gift would be complete without a tag. Click to download. Tags measure 2" in diameter. 

If you have any questions. please let me know. Here's to enjoying some craft time and blessings others.

drinking the cup poured for you.

Tiffany NicoleComment

There is nothing more soothing than a warm cup filled with a scrumptious drink on a brisk morning. Sitting and relaxing as you hold it close. Enjoying the heat of it, as it warms your cold fingers but careful not to drink it down quite yet as it is still too hot and a burning tongue emanates thoughts.

And so the admiring the color of the cup begins. Noting of the beauty of the steam floating off the top and embracing its handle that fits so perfectly in your hand. You watch. Taking it all in. Never once using it to quench your thirst or warm your soul - what it was meant for. Never savoring its sweetness on your taste buds. Never drinking it down.

Then you happen to notice the beauty of a cup held by another. It sparkles more than yours and is just the right temperature to indulge. It must be better than yours. And so you go about holding your cup but never drinking it, all the while admiring the other. Ever seeing but never tasting. 

Several times in the bible Jesus refers to the cup that has been poured for him by God. He asks his disciples if they can drink his cup (Matthew 20:22). He asks God to take the cup from him (Luke 22:42). The cup is symbolic for the persecution he is about to endure. The suffering for our sins and death on a cross. The reason he was born. His sacrifice. 

Each of us has a cup. Each of us have trials that we must go through to be refined and cleansed and made complete in Christ. It is easy to look at the trial or struggle of another and think it is so minimal that you would endure that one instead or wrongly believe they are trial free.

Wisdom and guidance is found in asking God what he wants to teach you through this trial. Whether this was birthed out of your own sin or something entirely out of your control, there is a lesson to be learned and wisdom to be gained. And shared. Being able to share that part of your story with someone is a powerful testimony. Sharing with a Christian encourages and may give hope, while sharing with a non-believer shows glimpses of God's glory and his power in your life.

There is power in the cup that has been poured for you. There is hope in each sip and a deeper relationship with Jesus as the cup empties.

Praying that you would drink what is in front of you and feel the warmth of God's presence in each sip. Praying that you hold on to the truth of God's promises and that the beauty of it would catch your eye as you take it in. Praying that your heart would not wander to another's cup but be filled to the fullest with your own.

Here's to sipping and drinking and tasting the goodness of the Lord. Here's to your cup. Cheers. 

pocket blessings l tree ornaments

Tiffany NicoleComment

For the month of November, Pocket Blessings will be making tree ornaments. In the bible, trees are often used to symbolize a person being rooted in God. Truly growing in relation and faith with him. Growing in trust and reliance.

He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers. Psalm 1:3

They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. Jeremiah 17:8

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. Psalm 92:12-13

This is the sort of life that God wants to instill in each of us. He wants us to be thriving and growing in him. Constantly learning more about who he is and revealing those characteristics in ourselves. It is the abundant life of following Christ and in that there is nothing better.

This is the message that we want to portray to the recipients of these ornaments. The relationship and growth that is offered because Christ was born. Christmas is a fun holiday but the fact Jesus was born in to the world, God with us, is simply amazing. 

Praying that if you do not have roots in Christ, that you would seek him and find him and bask in his grace. Praying that you would learn and find the truth. Praying that if have never experienced Christmas in the light of Jesus, that this year you would have new eyes to see the beauty of the God of the universe coming to earth to die for your sins. All because of love. Because he loves you.

Here's to roots and growth and Christmas.

A simple tutorial on how to make the trees and printable tags will be posted next week. Here's God's will leading to you in some way to participate in little crafts of kindness,

For more info on what Pocket Blessings is all about, read it here

your reward.

Tiffany Nicole2 Comments

Penny loves to help me in the kitchen and is naturally my baking side kick. Her three year old self has mastered pouring and scooping and stirring and tasting. Depending on what we are concocting, she will stay glued to the chair for the entire duration of the product without a second thought of her toys in the living room. Especially if she knows she is going to get to lick the spoon, which only happens when frosting is being made, since all other batters have some sort of raw egg. After all of her efforts of mixing and measuring, she is rewarded with her spoon full of frosting and the world is good.

The bible says that we have rewards and treasures and are promised them in to the next life. When we believe in Jesus, we are promised eternal life. We have done nothing to earn this. The reward for believing. The reward for our faith.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

When life gets hard and the future seems hazy and you do not know what the outcome is going to be, it is easy to fall away. It is easy to make your own path to fix the problem. To go off and play with your own toys, away from God, instead of sticking around through the hard parts - through the work.

That is when you have to ask yourself: is Jesus and the promise of eternal life enough for you? Are you okay with a reward you cannot touch or see or fully grasp? Is your dedication worth it? Is the pain of an illness or the loss of a loved one or the financial instability or the ridicule from friends and family or the pressures at work worth it?

If we know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more so does God know how to good give gifts? (Matthew 7:11) Can you imagine what it means to have rewards in heaven? What it really means to have eternal life and rewards. Jesus comes and saves us; we simply believe in him and we have eternal life, (John 3:16) not because of anything we have done. We are faithful and store up treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:1-4). It is truly amazing the love that God has for us and the gifts he graciously gives us now and promises to come.

Praying that your eyes would be focus on Jesus and the work that he did on the cross for you. Praying that you would embrace the rewards God has for you in this life and the next. That you would enjoy the work he has put you here to accomplish and that you would be obedient to do it, despite the impending trials.

Praying that your perspective would be one of eternity. That you would see how God is using you for his eternal purposes and that you would be okay with that, no matter the cost because you know your rewards on earth are temporary and eternity is ever coming.

Here's to your promised rewards and eternity and an ever changing perspective of trials.

thoughts & insecurity

Tiffany NicoleComment

Compliments have always been hard for me to accept, no matter the source or the reason. At one point I was getting so many that I found myself regularly venting about them to my husband, then boyfriend. I started going out of my way to try to avoid getting another. Changed my hairstyle. Stopped wearing those earrings. Kept that outfit in the closet. It really was an annoyance for me.

In reality, it was insecurity. I was full of insecurity. Compliments felt like a handout. Someone trying to be nice and make me feel good with false intentions but I did not need their help and could care less what they thought - simply out of my own pride. God has been working on my in this area since then and I welcome them now. If someone takes the time to tell me something sweet, I embrace it. And if it happens to be done out of malice, then it lies on them and not me.

Insecurities can show themselves in the strangest of places, like marital status or job title or number of children or personality traits. They form in conversations or appear in invites or the lack there of and start playing themselves out before we know it. These are the ties that hold us back from freedom to truly live for God and his plans for us. This is where the captive lives.
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
In order to be free from insecurity, we must rely on the power of Christ and what scripture tells us. Through his power, we can demolish strongholds - in our thoughts and habits. We have the power to take every thought captive for Christ. Thought of not looking put together and putting yourself down. Thoughts of what someone thinks about you and how others perceive you. Scripture says that you are chosen (John 15:16). You are a child of God (John 1:12). You are victorious (1 Corinthians 15:57). You are more than the mental picture you paint of yourself.

You must believe who you are in Jesus.

Being held back to a calling that God has placed on your life due to insecurities, whether something as small as talking to someone or as big as a change in career, is not a fun place to be. It is there that you find yourself smothered by fear and doubt and lacking trust.

When you focus on who God says you are, insecurities start to melt away. When you become so consumed in who God is and how big he is and his plan for your life, you find strength and take your eyes off of what is wrong with yourself. When your eyes are fixed on Jesus, instead of yourself, your decisions will be based on what he says, not what others say or your own doubts and fears.

Praying you find confidence in who God says he is and who you are because of what Jesus has done. Praying you can embrace the word of God and truly understand how God sees you and live in that freedom. Praying you take each negative thought captive and that your insecurities become small victories through Christ.

Here's to focusing on who God is and less of who you say you are.

pocket blessings l craft night

Tiffany NicoleComment

Over  year and a half ago, as I was reading through 1 Peter 4:10 and God really challenged me with it: 
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
Craftiness runs in my blood. I thoroughly enjoy making almost anything that involves fabric or glue. It is something that has always been easy for me and something God has gifted me with to use for his purposes. I felt him nudging me to do a craft ministry that makes items to give to others in the community. I had no idea what this would look like or what it would entail and leading it seemed daunting. I have hardly any expertise in leading. I prayed about it for a few months before I mentioned it to anyone. This is where Pocket Blessings was born.

It just so happened that God had moved Juli and her husband, Scott, to our area a few years before and we had met in Sunday school. She is the craftiest person I know. Naturally, God directed me to ask her what she thought.  It never ceases to amaze me how God gifts us in certain areas and calls  us to use them for his glory. And how he brings people beside you to help you and show you the ropes.

The neighborhood we live in is referred to as the pocket and our focus is on small things because it is the small things that make up the moments, that turn into years, which form memories - hence the name was born of Juli and her husband, Scott.  

The goal for Pocket Blessings is to make an impact in our community for Christ one handmade blessing at a time. Each item comes with a verse attached and is covered in prayers, both for the person who made it and the one receiving it.

It such a rewarding time for both the people involved and the people crafting. The community comes together and God brings the people he wants to be there and the people he wants to receive them. It is a win - win.  

Praying God will give you guidance and direction if you feel him leading you to participate or put in to action something he has placed in your heart.Praying that you would embrace your gifts and that God would show you how he wants you to use them in your current season of life, whether in big or small ways. Praying that if you find yourself wondering what your gifts are that the Lord would you reveal them to you and you would accept them as the present that they are,

Interested in starting a Pocket Blessings craft night in your community / church / area?

Here are some tips to get you started:

Choose how often: we do once a month on the 3rd Saturday at our church but you can do it whenever works for you.

Who: we like to open it up to not only our church but community, too, so we leave fliers throughout town (i.e. coffee shops, library) but the choice is yours. You can do it by yourself or with a few close friends. Do not let numbers stop you from making a difference or crafting abilities. We do a demonstration for each craft before we start and help through the night.

Craft: varies, we like to incorporate upcoming holidays (we make it the month before, so delivery can be arranged by the month of the holiday). Each month I will post what we will doing, along with any resources (i,e, printable tags) that we are using. 

Who to give to: we pray about which organization / place (i.e. local nursing home, hospital units, rehabilitation homes) God wants us to give to leading up to craft night - he has not let us down yet. So pray and do not be intimated to ask around. Perhaps a friend is the perfect recipient or knows someone who is.

Supplies:  use what you have and/or ask for donations - people love to give and most have some supplies they need to get rid of, especially for a good cause. Freecycle is an awesome resource for free crafting supplies.  

Message: we start out with a prayer and teeny message explaining what we are making and a pull it together with a verse

Share: If you are  interested crafting along, be sure to tag on instagram @ingracealways or #pocketblessings

I will share more about the craft we are doing for November in the coming weeks and how you can prep for it. And of course, if you are in the Sacramento area, we would love to have you attend.

words & conversations

Tiffany Nicole2 Comments
I have found myself loving deep conversations. So much time has been spent in small talk that it just feels empty and void. Really getting past how are you doing. I am not looking to tell my life story or pour out my heart ache or hear you express every minute detail. More like embracing life and real beauty and feelings. Feelings have always been hard for me. Surface level is always so easy and nonchalant. It rolls of the tongue and pairs well with a smile. It fills the space and consumes a five minute window well. But it lacks depth and passion. It skips past emotion and feelings.

So often we go through life guarded and on edge with walls built up to the skies, when what we need is to crumble. To be genuine. To be authentic. To find ourselves in how we really feel, wearing parts of our heart on our  sleeves. It is asking for prayer during trials or wisdom for a new endeavor. It is changing your facade to reveal how you are really doing. It is hard and messy and can be uncomfortable. It may be said over tears or through bursts of laughter. It is life. It is beautiful. It is real.

My sister was in a car accident recently and suffered traumatic brain injury. She is still recovering. She has head aches and delayed speech, which has greatly improved. She has new anxiety and random bursts of crying. As we have talked, she has been apologizing for getting emotional over nothing, to which I responded how in awe I am of her expression - whether willfully exposed or due to measures beyond her control. There is beauty in sharing and exchanging what you are feeling; An openness that cannot otherwise be given.

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 2:17

Jesus was real. Jesus did not waste any words. He used them to heal. To save. To give life. To fulfill prophecy. He was passionate and expressed how he was feeling; he openly cried (John 11:35).

Deep conversations allow growth and give God an opportunity to work in others through you. It allows for connections and common ground to be shared. It gives understanding in situations and healing in others. It helps clear your mind and reveals new incite.

Whatever you are lead to say or to share, I pray that you would bring glory to God. That you would see Jesus' example and be able to live through his teaching and love.

Praying that you are able to find the words to speak with whomever the Holy Spirit leads you to. That you would be open and transparent and find encouragement and refreshment. Praying that you would exchange more than a few redundant words as you go about your day but that you would make an effort to listen and intentionally interact with those God has placed around you.

Here's to real conversation and less idle chatter. More expression and depth. 

Project Love: You've Been Wooed, an alternative to You've Been Booed

Tiffany NicoleComment

You have probably heard of the phrase "you've been booed" referring to the usual Halloween related - treat leaving - door bell ditching shenanigans. I grew up doing it through out my neighborhood. My family would prepare some yummy home baked goodness and one of us would get the honors of running at the speed of light to leave them at the door step of an unsuspecting friend. It was always something to look forward to during the fall. 

This year, I thought it would be fun to add another dimension to it and Jesus. Because everything is funner with Jesus, right? And the "you've been wooed" treat leaving, giveable way born, complete with a poem, verse, and sign to put in the door or window. 

It is a reminder of how God made you (Psalm 139:13). How he loves you (John 3:16). How special you are to him. How Jesus died for your sins and was raised from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:3-5) and is with you always (Matthew 28:20). You are loved. 

Yesterday the theme night at our Awana club was SOS - Share Our Savior, so I gave each of the girls in my group a print out of this in hopes of them continuing to share the gospel. 

I challenge you to share the gospel or remind someone of the love. 

Praying you find some enjoyment in sharing and giving and anonymously reminding someone of how loved they are by Jesus. Praying the Lord will put someone on your heart to share it will and that you will be obedient and enjoy the process of baking or buying yummy treats. Enjoy it with your children or friend or husband and make it a small event and memory. A small blessing for the day. You never know how big of an impact your little act of kindness will make in the life of a friend or neighbor or loved one.

Here's to finding some time and adding some fun to your fall festivities. Here's to telling someone how awesome they are to Jesus.

Click to download file.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16


Tiffany NicoleComment
Peace. Our culture boasts peace with circle trademarks and an easy, two finger hand gesture. It is associated with hippies in bell bottoms and headbands in their sit ins to overcome political issues. World peace is the cliché answer to every question.

My concordance defines it as a state of calm; freedom from strife or discord; harmony in personal relationship.

The peace that this is referring to is not comprehensible by the world. It can only be found in God. He freely offers it and you need only to take it and let it rest upon you like a warm embrace on a cold, snowy day. You can choose to take his peace or let the world fool you with its promises. There is always a choice to be made. The former always looks good on you.

Peace that transcends all understanding comes in the midst of major life decisions and uncertainty. It is wrapped in tests results and deadlines and snuggled close to broken hearts. It is given through hugs and open ears and heard in encouraging words. It is sitting in waiting rooms and in the doctor's office. 
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27
Jesus tells us that he is leaving peace with us. He tells us this during his final hours on earth, after celebrating the Passover with the disciples. This is part of his final speech. He is telling his disciples what he wants them to remember and the most important things before the final betrayal, as he knows what is about to happen.

Jesus left us with peace. He freely gave it to the disciples and offers you the same. Peace when you do not make your deadlines or arrive to your appointment on time. Peace when your relationship is failing and your heart is breaking. Peace when your body is not functioning as it is was made to. Peace when your child needs more leading than you have guiding expertise. Peace he offers through it all.

He goes on to say to not let your hearts be troubled. In Proverbs, it states:
A heart of peace gives life to the body. Proverbs 14:30

When you are filled with peace of God, you are able to thrive and be filled with life and breath and movement. You are growing and taking it all in. You are trusting God, who knows you full well. You are trusting him to make a way for you in the desert, as his promises state. You may not see the outcome but that is okay because you take peace for this moment in time and choose to take it for the next .

Praying that you can feel the peace of Christ throughout your day and winding its way in each thought and action. Praying that you can grasp the gentle whisper of peace as the world bellows its voice your way.

Here's to embracing more peace and life.

more relations.

Tiffany NicoleComment

I have had people ask about God and where to start, so here it is simply put.

The thing always I like to clarify first is that God is not a religion. I have a relationship with God, I do not follow religion. Yes, there are rituals and teachings but those are trailing behind the relationship because without it nothing is of importance and becomes just another thing to do.

Like getting to know a person - a friend, coworker, future spouse - you have to spend time with them. You cannot simply hangout with people who know Sally, talk about Sally, explain what she is like, list her characteristics and what she's done for each person and expect to really know Sally at all. You may have a general idea about what to expect when you meet Sally but you have to actually spend time with her to know her. The same is true with God. You have to personally spend time with him in order to know what he is like. To taste and see that he is good (Psalm 34:8).

Church is look like group dating, if you will. This is the part where you may have encountered Jesus for the first time. Perhaps through an invite from a friend or family member or you were brave and just showed up. I met my husband through friends back in junior high, perhaps you can relate. Church is when everyone comes together to worship and get to know God together. You have the opportunity to get to know God through his message from the pastor. Through the people he has strategically placed next to you in your Sunday school class or at the end of the row in service. Through tithes and offering. Through volunteering in various ministries throughout the week and getting involved in God's community and bible studies.

Church may be the part that feels more scripted and you may try to look good and be on your best behavior but just be yourself. You just need to come as you are and realize that you are coming to a place that is filled with others who are imperfect and sinful, too.

Not perfect in the slightest. After all, no one is perfect, no not even one (Romans 3:10).  So do not feel like you are an outcast, you fit right in, really.

Church is a place filled with people who realize they need a savior and choose not to do life alone anymore because life with God is AMAZING.

When you are dating a new person of interest, a lot of time is generally spent hanging out with him or her, especially one on one. He becomes the thing you cannot stop thinking about. You wonder how you ever were without her. And may even think of ways to impress him.

Your relationship with God needs the same thing, without the impressing part. You need one on one time. It is carving out time to get to know him. Just you and him. Reading your bible. Writing down what speaks to you through it. It's taking down questions about things you do not understand and God leading you to someone who is able to answer them, most likely someone in the group dating part. It is learning to clear yourself from distractions and listen. A relationship without quality one on one time is not going to last or be deep, especially with God.

And the best part of a relationship with God is that you just have to come to God as you are, messy parts included.

And just in case you need a nickname for him, (because when you get to know someone a special name is something you share) I thought I would leave you with some compiled from 

A Confident Heart by Renee Swope. 

Emmanuel: My God with me (Matt. 1:22-23)

El-Channun:The Gracious God (Jonah 4:2)

El Hanne'eman: The Faithful God (Deut. 7:9)

El Roi: The God Who Sees Me (Gen. 16:13-14)

El ha-Gibbor:The Mighty God, God the Hero (Isa. 9:6)

El Shaddai:The All-Sufficient God (Gen. 17:1-2)

El Sali: God of My Strength (Ps. 42:9)

El Olam: The Everlasting God (Gen. 21:32–33)

El Elyon: The Most High God (Dan. 4:34)

Elohim: God, My Mighty Creator (Gen. 1:1)

Jehovah Jireh:The Lord Who Will Provide for Me (Gen. 22:13–14)

Jehovah Rapha: The Lord Who Heals Me (Exod. 15:26)

Jehovah Nissi: The Lord My Banner (Exod. 17:15–16)

Jehovah Shalom: The Lord My Peace (Judg. 6:24)

Yahweh Tsuri: The Lord My Rock (Ps. 144:1)

Jehovah Rohi:The Lord My Shepherd (Ps. 23:1)

Jehovah Shammah:The Lord Is There for Me (Ezek. 48:35)

Abba: My Father (Ps. 68:5–6)

Praying that you will seek God and find him. That he will be the one you run to in joy and heartache. That you would learn to trust him as each of these names is played out over your life tine. Praying that you would enjoy your time spent with God and know that there is nothing sweeter. 

Here's to getting to know God better than anyone you know. Here's to a renewed relationship with the creator of the universe. 

And a little printable, if you need a reminder of his awesomeness. Click to download an 8x10. 

praying for you.

Tiffany NicoleComment

Praying out loud was always awkward for me, even with my husband, and I did not want to budge at first. I was quite content praying by myself. What if I said the wrong thing or it sounded weird? What exactly should I pray for? In-my-head-prayers were easier and I liked it that way but my husband did not. And I had to give in and try it. And then I had to pray out loud each Thursday as an Awana director. The more I prayed out loud, the easier it got and I was able to trust God to guide my prayers. You can semi-prepare for what you think you are going to say but I find when you are praying for someone specifically, the holy spirit takes over and your words are not yours but you have to be willing to speak to be used.
Praying for others is a huge blessing for both parties involved. I am still working on praying for someone the moment they ask for prayer, as opposed to the I will be praying for you this week. Praying in the moment is powerful. I do not know of a place in the bible where Jesus says, "sure, I will pray for you this week." He prayed in the moment. He prayed with power and authority. His prayers were answered.

When you get over yourself and your own insecurities and pray in the moment for someone, you allow God to take control and pour blessings over others who are hurting or need help and over yourself. You allow God to use you to comfort and speak peace and truth and life in to his child. Prayer goes beyond our own infinite minds to the God of the universe. 
Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5: 13-16

Scripture tells us to pray for each other and that God will be there among us (Matt 18:20).  Prayer heals. Prayer changes lives. Rejoice with one another when prayers have been answered and pray for needs to be met. When you are praying for someone you do not need to be afraid of whether or not the prayer will be answered. That is not up to you to decide. Yes, you are to have faith (mark 11:24) but God is the one who knows what is best for the situation and works for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28).
I pray that you would be bold in your spirit and listen to God's leading this week as you go about your day. I pray that he would give you opportunity to pray for someone and that you would not worry about words to say or awkwardness but that you would be confident in the Lord and his power, not your own.
I pray that you would witness a renewing of your mind and revival of your prayer life. That you would not be worried about words to speak or the offering to pray but that you would seek out opportunities to intercede for others who are not expecting it. That it would be commonplace to pray for those around you.

Here's to praying and interceding for others. And here's to lives being changed through them.


Tiffany Nicole1 Comment

Prayer was always a personal thing for me. Despite not going to church or really knowing God, I knew he was around and listening. Occasionally, I prayed before bed but always before meals, after all I wanted my food to be blessed.

When I came to know Christ, praying became second nature for me. Praying as I poured coffee and studied for finals. Praying as I drove and hung out with friends. Praying as I read the bible. Praying, just me and God was great, but praying out loud was another story, perhaps for another time.  

Over the past few years, I have come to understand how powerful prayer is, how often I take it for granted and how much I have brushed it off in the past. It has been truly eye opening and I know there is still so much to learn. 

Pray without ceasing.  1 Thessalonians 5:17

The basis of this verse is a daily conversation. Prayer is communication. It is an ongoing conversation from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed. It is a relationship. It is trust and love. It is comfort. Prayer is a lifeline in daily battles.

God does not want you kneeling down for hours on end with your hands folded and head bowed - although there is a time for that. Some of the best prayers happen when you are driving through rush hour traffic and picking up kiddos from school. When you are in line at grocery store or sitting at your desk at work. God is always there. Always ready to hear what you have to say, even though he knows every thought before it is ever spoken (Psalm 139:4).

Prayer allows you to keep God in the context of every situation you encounter. Thanking him for the good things, even if you have to look hard to find them and asking for help in the difficult situations, along with those random thoughts about how good an ice cream sundae sounds right about now. God loves you and wants a relationship with you.

When you are getting to know someone, you have to spend time with them to start a relationship and speak to them. The same is true about God. He wants alone time with you in his word. In quiet time. In corporate worship. And communicating through prayer.

I pray that if you have never prayed, that you would try it and see how perfectly it fits in to your day amongst the daily grind. I pray that you would not be intimidated or focus on the "how to" but rather speaking honestly and in truth.

I pray that you would have candid conversations and give thanks regularly. I pray that prayer would become so woven in to your day that you would be lost without them. I pray that your faith grows as you start to trust God with the most sacred parts of your life and that you would see how he has pieced everything together for your good (Romans 8:28).

Here's to praying and getting to know God. Here's to the best listener ever. 

And if you ever need prayer, please do not hesitate to ask.

i desire mercy, not sacrifice

Tiffany NicoleComment

A few years ago a local church decided to close its doors for just one Sunday. The reason? For the church to be the church. To be living out the great commission. To be the hands and feet of Jesus. It was a controversial topic for those that heard of it, even more so for those who attended. How could the church just close? No corporate worship? No fellowship? Of course, it is a great idea. People are out in the community changing lives with their presence all in the name of Jesus. But isn't that what you are doing six other days of the week? I completely agree with both sides of the debate, which leads me to this verse. 
I desire mercy, not sacrifice. Hosea 6:6

This verse has been tumbling around in my head the past month. What does it mean? What does it look like lived out? Jesus quotes this several times in Matthew, words that were first spoken by God to Hosea during a time when the Israelites had turned from God, once again. 

God wants mercy NOT sacrifice. He wants to see love over religion. He wants to see actions from a changed heart, not routine worship. He wants to see forgiveness lived out, not idle words. 

When you accept Jesus as your Savior you start learning new things, the lingo and the bible stories to go with it. You get a little more grounded in the teachings. You learn the ins and outs. The church becomes a familiar place with familiar people and worship can become commonplace. 

The Pharisees had religion down to a T, yet they did not have the heart for it. They looked down on others. Judged them. Lifted themselves above them. Had distinguished clothes. Prayed louder and longer. But their hearts were the furthest from God. And their actions? They lead people away from God.  

They lead people away from God. The people who are suppose to be set apart to lead others and teach them about the God of the universe, where actually keeping others from wanting to know him.

I pray that if you have professed your need for Jesus and have been changed by his grace, that you would not be merely offering sacrifices - offerings of monetary donations or time -  but that you would show mercy to others. I pray that if you have been praying for change that you would allow God to truly change you and allow you to give mercy in abundance.

I pray that you would give mercy to the mama whose child is being rambunctious. To the car who just cut you off on the freeway. To the co-worker who keeps giving you work to finish. I pray that you would have eyes to see and ears to hear and mercy to give. 

I pray that you would not be so caught up in growing and healthy Christian living that you lose your focus of God. I pray that you would be aware of the lives he wants you to touch. The relationships he wants to bless you with. The peace he wants to give to you to pass on to others. The gifts he wants to reveal to you to use for his glory. 

Here's to mercy over sacrifice. 

qualifications for leading

Tiffany NicoleComment
I was talking with a friend recently about how she was to lead a bible study. She went on to say how was also starting a discipleship where she was the student in hopes of learning more, as she did not know as much as she thought she should. She was a little apprehensive about leading others who had more experience and expertise in the matter.

Perhaps you can you relate. Maybe you find yourself missing qualifications and degrees. You are not ready. First, you must do such and such and then this and that. Then you will be ready to do the task God has in store for you. Then you can change careers or settle in a new neighborhood. You can enter that new relationship or take on that ministry.

When God has called you to do something, he will provide all the essentials. He will give you the support, the finances, the classes. You just have to have a willing and trusting heart. 
 Moses said to the Lord, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.
 The Lord said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” Exodus 4:10-12 
Moses was not qualified in his eyes to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. And his background? He professes his lack of eloquence in his speech. And he once killed a guy.

He asks God to send someone else. But God sees past his failures and weakness. He sees past his insecurities to his heart. The bible states that Moses was the humblest person on earth (Numbers 12:3). Ultimately, he was obedient to tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave Egypt and lead the people.

I think that is the beauty of it all. Moses does not meet the requirements of man but of God. Moses' weaknesses are made perfect in him (2 Corinthians 12:9). He has to rely on God to succeed and lead the people, not on his own capabilities. Too often we take on roles or accrue duties based on what we are capable of doing. We do not leave room for God to show up because we are too busy doing it all ourselves.

You were made for his purpose. Your experiences are your own. No one else can teach from your past and what you have learned because of it. God gave them to you so that you can share them. You do not need to be qualified, just obedient and willing.

And for extra assurance on qualifications, the disciples, Jesus' closest companions, were not what the Jews would have called qualified. Fishermen and tax collectors spread the good news of Jesus. They learned by following his example. They were not flashy or well known. Just ordinary people with an extraordinary calling. Just like you. 

If God has called you to lead, I pray that you would do it. That you would see his vision for your leadership. That you would be the servant leader. That you would cling to him and his guidance, not your own agenda. I pray that you would embrace your weaknesses and give them to God for him to use for his glory.

Whether you find yourself leading children in your home, women in your church or employees at work, I pray that you would see God's leading in it all.

Here's to affirming God's calling to lead in your life and taking a stand to do it.

random acts of kindness

Tiffany NicoleComment
It was a busy day and I was trying to keep it all together. I had just made snack for my toddler, who was now busy eating away. I attempted to quickly make a snack for myself, along with a drink of water as my baby cried in his high chair waiting for his next request to be met. As I poured the water, God whispered when you serve yourself, someone else misses out. It was such an easy, yet powerful truth, reaching far beyond serving my kiddos.

It is vital to keep yourself balanced and centered in Christ but putting yourself first is not what Christ had in mind. Scripture says that the first will be last and the last will be first (Matt 20:16). Serving others is what makes life worth living. It keeps you focusing on the needs of others and thankful to God for meeting yours. No matter what stage of life you are in, or what ailments you have, there is always someone else to serve. Someone who can benefit from your awesome self. Someone you can help.

I am HUGE proponent of random acts of kindness, really any act of kindness is fabulous but the random ones are my favorite. God is able to be given the glory, as opposed to your name, even if you are being obedient to his guiding. There is something about doing something for others that just feels good.
Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3
People notice kind. They notice when you hold the door open for them, as you steer your double stroller through. They notice the smile you pass as you walk by. The encouraging words you speak. The compliments. They notice. And it may even rub off on them an on to someone else. So keep it close.

Here is a teeny, tiny idea list to get you thinking:
  • Small notes of encouragement for waiter/waitress with tip: money is always appreciated but words are powerful and not soon forgotten.
  • Notes for neighbors: simple thank you for the beautiful flowers they are growing in their front yard or thanks for being such awesome neighbors, your choice. Yummy snacks pair well here.
  • Thank you note to firemen: a card pairs well with cookies, too. You may even get a tour of the station, unless they are leaving for a call...
  • Encouraging note in library book: who doesn't like to find some fun words?
  • Notes on cars in parking lot: a few words on their windshield that is not a hit and run note, win-win.
  •  Write an encouraging note and send to an unknown recipient: it will get to where it needs to be.
  • Order dessert for another table when eating out: our family favorite. 
Praying that God opens your eyes to the little opportunities that await you, and that you would say yes. Praying that you find a little more kindness in others and in yourself. That you would get outside of you. I am sure you will find yourself smiling a little extra, too. Life is about connecting with others and sharing Christ's love and what better way than with some kindness as a foundation.

Here's to praying for God to give you opportunities to serve others and give what you can. Here's to more fun in giving kind words. 

Perhaps a post card or two will help to motivate you to start writing.

p.s. do not forget to wear your smile today, it looks good on you. 


Tiffany NicoleComment
I have posted before about being obedient. It is something that God keeps challenging me with lately. It is not easy. Just like it is not easy for my three year old to keep her play kitchen cups empty of water, along with the rest of her kitchen set and the floor and any bowl in the vicinity.

Pure obedience. I have been searching for what this looks like in my life personally, so naturally I looked up the definition in my bible's concordance for further study.

Obedience: submissiveness to authority; following orders.

It is about following what God has to say through the bible. Obedience and listening go hand in hand. Without listening you will not know what you need to obey and if you hear what God has said, you should then obey.

Hearing God through the chaos and distractions can be tough. This is another topic on itself. I highly recommend the book Hearing God by Dallas Willard. It is sure to change the way you listen.

We are called to not to be merely hearing but doing what it says (James 1:22). Your stomach may be in knots and sweat may be collecting. Being obedient takes courage and bravery and trust in God in what he has asked you to do and for him to follow through.

For me this week, it looked like writing about this. For the past few months, it has been sharing my writing in general. It may seem silly to you but it is not easy for me. Being obedient refines you. It takes you out of yourself and in to God's plans and works for you. It makes you do things that seem crazy to others and possibly yourself. It keeps you relying on God to pull through on the plan he has.

The bible has a lot to say about obedience, with numerous accounts to back it up. From Abraham to Moses to David and Solomon. Their lives all demonstrated it. But what does this look like in the 21st century in your life? I pray that you would seek God for guidance and open your heart to his words. Search the bible and be in prayer.

I pray that if God has asked you to do something already that you would take the first step toward whatever it may be. Fill out the application. Make the call. Say the words that silence has filled. Do something. Whatever your something is. Whatever God has called you to do.

You will be blessed by it because God's word does not return void.
As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:10-11

God does not ask us to do things that will hurt others or ourselves but those that help them and glorify him.

Here's to tuning in to the still small voice of God and being obedient to his calling. And more prayers to help you answer the calling towards obedience. Here's to opening your eyes and heart to God's guidance. 
For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. Psalm 33:4

bosses and coworkers and jobs, oh my

Tiffany NicoleComment
It has been over three years since I have clocked in, taken breaks and had a paycheck with my name on it. Oh, the work place. Since I have been out of it, my perspective has shifted quite a bit. Being on the other side seems to do that, along with God's guidance of course.

My last job was not one that I thought it would be. I had great hopes for it. The description on paper sounded better than it was when all was said and done and with my pay cut in half from my previous job I wondered why I had taken the job in the first place. I did not like going to work and could not figure out why I was there and why this was the only job I could get.

Looking back, I can see God's hand in it all and some reasons and conversations. Looking back, I wish I would have embraced the situation more and gone to work with more of a positive attitude and with the joy of the Lord. I read Ephesians 6:10-18 each day, as each day was a personal battle to get there. To work with these people. The people who asked if I felt I did not have to work as hard because I was pregnant. The people who randomly threw a co-worker and I a baby shower, even though I hardly knew them. These people who showed up and came to work with my same attitude of not wanting to be there.

I told people I would pray for them and I would. I tried to give encouragement. I wanted to be different and let God do his thing as he does but I did not let him. I let frustration and anger subtly win the battle. I stayed quiet in the break room and read. I was caught up in my own issues instead of looking outward at others.

I have talked to a lot of people over the past few years and it seems like the same rings true for them, as well, which breaks my heart. Somewhere along the line, these people who share the same office space and employer become enemies and annoyances. Your adversary. The person whose work slack you have to pick up. The person who is so negative and you get to hear it daily with possible play by plays scattered throughout your shift. The person whom you have come to despise.

But you listen. You will listen to them boast and brag and enjoy the short coming and failures and maybe even relish in them.

Jesus said to love your enemies as yourself.
But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. Luke 6: 27-28.

I pray that if you find yourself in a work situation that seems hopeless, that you would ask God for guidance and seek wise council (Proverbs 12:15) to stay or to go. To make a difference. For him to change the hearts of your co-works but more importantly, yours. To be present both physically and mentally for them. To offer second changes. That you would seek out ways to serve them. Bringing coffee to your cubical buddy or some yummy donuts for the office or a compliment to that person who seems hopeless.

I pray that you would be the change you want to see in the your co-workers. That you would rise above the words and harsh reprimand and exchange them for love and kindness. I pray that your words would speak truth in to their lives because most likely they do not know Jesus, really know him. They need your love and encouragement, even if they do not want to admit or acknowledge it.

Your life is your testimony. Your actions are reflections of your heart. Your words can start a revolution. You can be the transformation.

I pray you enjoy the location God has strategically placed you in for such a time as this. Your personal mission field. Look for opportunities to do good.

Maybe you find yourself out of the work place, as well. I pray that you would encourage and build up those around you who are. That you would help them see the significance of their placement and the blessing of their employment. You cannot fight the battle for them but you can pray. Perhaps even make a small gift for them to share. 

Here's to less conflict and more gratefulness. Less negativity and more compliments. More unity and laughter at the water cooler. 

seeing beauty in yourself

Tiffany Nicole2 Comments
Growing up I read the latest magazines. Teen Vogue. CosmoGirl. And of course, Seventeen, way before my age matched the number. With two older sisters, it was easy. I watched all the teen movies and did a great job at comparing myself to everyone on the screen or magazine page. I wanted to have hair like her. Make up like that one. Outfit like hers over there. No not that one. The other one. My hair never fit the bill for me. My unruly, wavy hair never held a light to the silky smooth straight hair in the ads. It always seemed to mock me. No matter how hard I tried.

I always kept make up simple. The feel of cover up on my skin was an easy aversion and my freckles were never covered up no matter how hard I tried, anyway. Mascara, eye liner and eye shadow were my go to with some sort of lip gloss to tie it all together.

About six months before my wedding, I started having issues with my contacts. And then a sudden onset of makeup allergy to boot. Bulging red, stinging eyes are not fun or pretty.

I tried different brands of makeup. Made sure my brushes were clean. Still nothing but red, swollen and stinging eyes. Then one day I stopped. When I say me, rather it was God who answered a prayer he put in my heart months earlier. When I looked in the mirror he allowed me to see me in his beauty and light, the way he sees me and the way he created me to be. I did not need makeup or contacts to feel beautiful or secure in my looks.

I tried the contact route a few weeks ago. There are new brands and types out these days, so I thought I'd give them a whirl for fun and some change but the stinging eyes and redness returned with them. My glasses are great, any who, and less hassle and maintenance. And they serve as a little reminder of God's continued faithfulness to answered prayers.

Beauty is not found in magazines. That is where Photoshop is found, along with air brushed cheeks and shiny skin.

For you are God’s masterpiece. He has created you anew in Christ Jesus, so you can do the good things he planned for you long ago. Ephesians 2:10

He made you. He made you perfectly. You are beautiful and full of the life that God has so carefully breathed in to your lungs to do amazing things. You have more potential than you know. Makeup is only skin deep but truly loving who God made you to be and embracing the skin you are in is a blessing.

I pray that you would embrace the uniqueness that is found in the dimples on your cheeks and the wrinkles that are starting to form around your nose and the hairs that constantly fall out of place no matter how hard you try to train them to go the opposite direction. I pray that you would see yourself as God created you. Past the imperfections. Past the scars and comparisons. To the child he made you. You were made perfectly.

Here's to true beauty and more smiles. Less time looking in the mirror and more time spent looking at who God is and who he created you to be.

truth and the words that compose it.

Tiffany Nicole1 Comment
There is something about the way the words dash across the screen and the cursor dances with each pause and the pencil scrapes the page that makes writing so intriguing. Half the fun is not knowing exactly what will come out. And when the letters form words they become subject to the readers themselves. The writer paints a picture but it is the reader who openly interprets it and imagination and emotions spring to life. What was the color and shape of the pencil scraping the page? Perhaps similar to my favorite grey mechanical who lost his eraser years ago but keeps on trucking along. And the paper. Yes. The paper. Is it typical three whole punched binder paper? Or is it bound in a fancy notebook brimming with colors and quotes and doodles in its margins? Those are the juices that are allowed to run wild as the reader is taken through the words so carefully selected and pieced together.

More or less. Vague or scattered with details. Oh the choices and possibilities on the page are endless. Stories unfold and pictures are painted, without acrylics or canvas. Just pure imagination and life experience. Yes. We must not forget life experience. It weaves in emotions and memories that correlate to the words we read on the page and allows us to sympathize. To smile. To cry. To love. All because of some black type. Oh, the beauty of the written word.

The bible says that God's word is truth (Psalm 119:160). That it is alive and active (Hebrews 4:12). It is amazing how reading words can change your life. How each time you read a passage something sweet and new is revealed. Like unwrapping a piece of fine chocolate and anticipating its taste. Sometimes it does not taste like you had imagined and the aroma seems a little off but you keep unwrapping and take another bite because it is chocolate after all. And God's word is like that. It is not always sweet and pretty but it has substance and depth that nothing else can compare to. How God uses the word to breathe life and hope and love is remarkable. My own words cannot do it justice but I am okay with that.

After all, does the clay say to the potter, 'what are you making?' (Romans 9:21)

I pray that if you have never taken the time to read the bible, to open up its pages and let the word speak life in to your life, that you would do so. Reading books about the bible or bible commentaries or blogs or other articles are all great resources but you are missing the meat of it all. What God has to say to you through words that span centuries and millenniums is nothing like you can get through other means. And just in case you need a little help in your own study, this method might come in handy.

Here's to more truth and less noise. More of God's word and less of everyone else's.