personal bible study, how to with SOAP
CommentPersonal bible study. It can be a daunting thing when you first dive in. Which book to read? Where to start? What does THAT mean? How does this apply to me?! So much can start to bubble about from one simple action that you may be overwhelmed at where to start. And of course you are reading your bible daily, right? There can be a lot of pressure to read your bible and do this and that when you start following Christ and get deeper in to the relationship. Just remind yourself that there is no competition. No comparison. Everyone is blazing their own journey with Christ and if you let Him take the lead and guide you, it will be your greatest adventure yet.
So back to bible study, I was in a lull in my personal studies a few years back and came across this method, referred to as SOAP. It really changed the way I read and studied the scriptures and left me with little notes from God, if you will, written in my own hand. Each morning I read a chapter or two in whatever book of the bible I am studying, depending on how much time I had, and then filled out each part of the SOAP acronym. It is truly awesome how much God will reveal from his word if you just take the time to study and listen.
What does SOAP stand for, you ask?
Scripture: Which scripture stuck out to you most? Write it down.
Observation: What you think about the verse? What does God seem to be revealing through it?
Application: How do you apply this little truth to your life?
Prayer: Write a prayer asking how to implement this verse in to your life.
I have a notebook I use each day to keep it all in one place. I have heard of using binder paper and a file folder with each book of the bible on its own tab so you can keep all of the studies you have personally done for that particular book in one place. That seems super handy and eventually I will do that, too but for now it is all bound together in a notebook.
After the chapter is read, the verse or verses that I had stopped at during the reading or jumped off the page at me are written down. Then I underline or highlight or add brackets, whatever my little heart so desires, to the parts that are most important to me. This is the observation. I write a bit about what I think about the verse, what God seems to be revealing through it. Next, is how to apply this little truth to my life. Perhaps I do not know what it means and that is why the verse stuck out to me, so I look it up in the application part of my bible - life application bibles are awesome when you are new to studying the bible or have been for awhile. If there is nothing in it for that particular verse I will ask someone about it and start a little google search to see what others have said about it. God will reveal tidbits about it that way, too. I finish it all up with a little prayer. Prayers about implementing this verse in to my life and for forgiveness for doing otherwise. Yes, these verses may be used to convict you and for God to change your heart. Prayers of thankfulness and praise.
There is so much that God does during this time. All of this usually happens within thirty minutes or less but it makes a HUGE impact on my day. For me, trying to get up before the kiddos do seems to works best but not all days work that way. Nap times or after breakfast during play time works occasionally, too. After awhile, looking back at what God has shown you through each of your entries is really rewarding. Scattering your pages are little incites and wisdom from the creator of heaven and earth. Wow. That is a gift you can give yourself daily, just take a few minutes.
I love to give this method to friends, so I thought I would leave you with a printable to post in your own personal notebook or one for a friend. There is nothing better than sharing a great way to get to know Jesus better. And a side note, washi tape is perfect for adhering itto the inside of a notebook. Cute and fun.
Here's to losing yourself and knowing Jesus more. More studying and less scrolling and more peace than you know. Click image to download.
the funny thing about moments
CommentWhile debriefing about the day with the hubby one night, I opened a bowl of cookie dough I had made earlier. If there is something I really enjoy eating, it is cookie dough. The point of making cookies is to eat the dough, naturally; although recently, pazookies are getting pretty close. As we talked and laughed and joked, I noticed myself taking bite after bite and hardly acknowledging the taste. Or even enjoying the taste. The thought was great. Yum cookie dough. But I was not enjoying it, simply aquiring more calories with each bite, so I stopped. I think that is how some moments are. They sound great and we whip out the camera, only to attempt to catch the moment and not savor or really enjoy what is in front of us. We miss the moment entirely.
With all of our technology and ability to capture the moments, it seems that I squander away some of the greatest ones attempting to catch something that never wanted to be caught in the first place. Sometimes I get so caught up in wanting to capture the moment that I miss it entirely all together. I scramble to find my phone and open the app. Is it on video or camera? Then I accidentally hit the power button and have to start all over. A black screen does not get me anywhere. By the time I am done fumbling, the moment has passed. The cute expression left and settled in to a more comfy one. My toddler has run away and disassembled her silly attire.
Solomon writes "
there is a time
for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens." (Ecclesiastes 3:1). He knows a thing or two about time. Not to mention he was the wisest man to live.
There is a time for pictures. I am a huge photo person, if you have ever stepped foot in my house, you might have guessed. That being said, it is sooo easy to capture so many. Too many! Since my first digital camera, I have taken thousands of pictures. I have tons of Polaroids but digital made it easy to take thousands! More than anyone ever needs. The mystery was taken out of the picture with it. Are my eyes going to be open? Did I actually look at the camera? Now you are left with more expressions of the same moment than you will ever need, all in an instant.
I pray that you would take a moment and look around you. Look at what is next to you. Who is next to you. What God has strategically placed in your life at this very second. Take it all in. Because in a moment it will soon be gone and you may just realize that you did not appreciate it enough when you had it. Life may get repetitive and may take away your enjoyment all together if you let it. But choose to enjoy it. Enjoy time as it ticks away. Breathe it in, so when it is no more, you will have tasted it to the fullest. I challenge you to put down your phone. Put away your camera and take in your surroundings a little more. Perhaps less pictures will allow you to appreciate the ones you already have and take more meaningful ones when you do.
Here's to savoring the moment. Enjoying each bite on your taste buds. Truly enjoying the little things. Here's
a little 8x10 of the verse to remind you to enjoy the moments. Click image to download.
top ten marriage list.
2 CommentsToday marks the fifth anniversary of our marriage, nine and a half years as a couple and roughly fifteen years as friends. It is so fun to see where God has taken us. It was not even a year before we were married that we started our relationship with Jesus. Looking back, there would have been no way for our relationship to last, had we not met Jesus. I had perfected being stubborn, shutting down at confrontation (I am not a yeller), and getting my way in situations. Did I mention I come from a long line of strong willed women? When we decided to follow Jesus, our relationship changed in a way only God can do.
Several months before we were to say "I do," we attended a Rivercats game, the local AAA baseball team. We sat in the lawn seats, which is really just a big patch of grass on the away team's side and least expensive seats in the stadium. It is great to bring a blanket, hang out, people watch and not be confined in rows of seats. As we watched, an older gentleman came over to us and asked if we were dating or engaged. We answered yes and he proceeded to ask us if we knew Jesus. Yes, we just met him we had relied, to which he handed us a paper. He told us his name was Lloyd and about his wife, Bonnie, and how they had been married for years, which now I cannot recall how many, and how he volunteered at the stadium and made a little more small talk. Then he was on his way to other couples.
The paper we were handed was a list of their top ten for marriage. An amazing compilation of advice from a couple who experienced it first hand. An awesome gift to give someone who is in a relationship or about to be married or has been married for years. I know from my own experience that marriage is tough. Takes a lot of work. Sometimes more than you have strength to put in. But when you add Jesus to your marriage, everything changes. Grace changes. Love changes. And trust me, your marriage will never be the same.
I thought it would be fitting to share the list today and pray that if you find yourself in one of the above mentioned statuses that you would find some encouragement and benefit from someone who has been through it.
top ten list for marriage by Lloyd D. Reynolds
10. Never yell at each other, unless the house is on fire.
9. Celebrate the hundreds of things you like about each other rather than focusing on the two or three things that really bug you.
8. Don't compare your spouse or your marriage with others. Each marriage and each spouse is unique.
7. Don't leave - the way out is the way through.
6. Take time to be sweethearts. Continue to date each other and spend occasional weekends away together.
5. Develop genuine mutual respect and demonstrate it publicly and privately.
4. Forgive each other when needed and be willing to say, "I'm sorry."
3. Love each other sacrificially and use the words, "I love you," often.
2. Always enjoy talking to each other and talking to God together. Let God speak to you often as you read your bibles.
1. Make lifetime commitments to each other and to your Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Here's a little design spin that I put on it in an 8x10. You can download here.
music is what feelings sound like
CommentScripture says to " rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn" (Romans 12:15). The rejoicing part tends to come more naturally, for me anyway. Celebrating anniversaries. Promotions. New babies. Getting a good grade. How can you not join in the excitement and cheer. But what about the mourning? When the going gets tough. When you do not have something to celebrate and you are just trying to make it through another hour. Another day. When something tragic happens to a friend. Are you mourning with them? I must admit that this is not something I do very well. I am horrible at consoling and words never seem to come out the way I want them to.
Last fall one of my good friends since high school lost her boy friend in a car accident. She text a group of us to inform of us of what had happened. I had no idea what to say. I have not experienced a loss so deep and for that I am thankful but I also know that having gone through similar situations is a valuable tool God gives to offer comfort.
As I processed her words, I immediately prayed and that is how I responded. I am praying for you. The words seemed empty and hallow at such a time as this. Yes, I know the power of prayer and believe God will work this for His good as only He can but that does not change the reality. Or change the feelings. Or answer the questions. It sounds cliche.
As I prayed, God reminded me of the power of music. I love music. I grew up singing songs like Chapel of Love by the Dixie Cups and 1982 by Randy Travis. My parents had quite the array. My friends would joke that I knew every song that came on the radio. Since becoming a follower of Christ, it continues to amaze me how God uses music to speak truth and love and hope. And that is when He gave me the idea of a playlist for her. Did I mention her birthday was just a few weeks after the accident? This is the same friend who battled cancer in high school. She is an incredible lady, let me say. Going through my CDs and various mp3s I kept thinking about myself in this situation. How would I handle this? What if that was me? That is how these songs were chosen. With lots of love and prayers and God's leading. I came across the saying music is what feelings sound like and it solidified the compilation.
Recently, a friend told me about her battle with cancer. She has two sons, four and almost two, and was excited to find out she was expecting a third. What she thought would be a season of happiness turned to be one of mourning when she found out it was a molar pregnancy and it turned to cancer. I cannot imagine. No words. That is when God again reminded me of this playlist from the fall. I gave her a copy, too. As she fights and people pray for her during this season of mourning, I pray that God comforts her more than she has known before. I pray that if you are going through a time of mourning that this music would comfort you, too. In the darkest moments I pray that God would speak life and love in to your inner most being.
If you know a friend who needs encouragement and God, feel free to pass it along to them, too.
Here is the playlist, besides one song that was not available on Spotify. This is my first time using it, and so far it is fabulous.
And just in case you would rather see a list of the songs:
1. hold us together - matt maher
2. live like that - sidewalk prophets
3. by your side - tenth avenue north
4. move - mercyme
5. strong enough - matthew west
6. build your kingdom here - rend collective
7. beautiful things - gungor
8. what faith can do - kutless
9. you have won me - bethel music
10. movements - rend collective (not available on spotify)
11. before the morning - josh wilson
12. love has come - mark schultz
13. healing begins - tenth avenue north
14. brokenness aside all sons & daughters
15. this is what you do - bethel music
16. one thing remains - bethel music
17. cast my cares - tim timmmons
18. 10,000 reasons - rend collective
This is a little cover I whipped up to go with the CD, just in case you find yourself needing one. Note, I printed this on 8.5 x 14 paper or else it is too small to fit in the CD case. It can be printed in black or grey.
Here's to more rejoicing than mourning and more of God's presence and love when the mourning comes.
the next step, please
CommentFor the last year and half, God has been whispering and telling and calling me to write. I wrote a little for myself but really did not pay that much attention to it. Why not? I am not sure, really. I like to think I am usually obedient to His calling but for some reason I hesitated this time. Not that I did not want to write. It just did not seem that important and all of those fun DIY projects on Pinterest luring me to make them did not help. It was not until this past week that I finally started listening. Finally started writing more. Sometimes I really need a flashing sign with DO THIS written on it for confirmation or maybe just a sermon entitled "The Next Step," with a guest speaker who says he also did not listen to God's call for a year. Isn't God funny that way?
Recently I came across a post about taking pictures of daily life and how it made the mundane beautiful. While I totally agree and pictures are of high value and importance to me, the first thing that came to mind was writing. For me, writing takes out some of the mundane and adds sprinkles of character and light. The right word changes the entire situation. Not to take away from the smiles and laughter only caught in the perfect moment of a photograph. Writing on the other hand adds elements that a picture can only take so far. It adds emotion where there once may not have been. It provides a back story and possibly a hope for the future. It adds more time than a picture possibly ever could.
There is almost something sacred in the stringing together of words to form the memories of moments past and still to come. They are owned by the writer. No one can take that from them or add to it. Anyone can take a picture of someone posing with a birthday cake but no one will have the same thoughts or feeling about that moment captured in time. They belong to the writer. The inventor of that moment as it played out in their head as the final candle was blown out. That is beauty. That is the gift of daily life. That is God's gift of words.
I have no idea what this writing thing looks like or what God wants to do with it. It is out of my comfort zone, which seems to be a constant in my relationship with God; He's pretty funny that way, too. It is easy to write down words that make sense to me but to write them and allow others to read them, well that is another story. I know God will continue to give me things to share. Things He wants me to share. This week alone has been filled with random tidbits and pieces already. So this is the part where my stomach ties itself in knots and extra prayers are prayed and God and I go out on another adventure together. I wonder what it will look like this time around.
When the clean get messy
Commentjourney on
Commentin(RL) conference
CommentAs I saw the emails coming in from (in)courage this year about the conference, I did not know what to think. Last year was the first time I had heard of the blog and the conference. I had also transitioned from apartment living to home living. That is when God kept nudging me to host. To open my home up to strangers. To be obedient in his guiding, all the while serving chocolate and yummy snacks. And that is what I did.
We planned and crafted and baked and met ladies. We hosted it as a women's event for our church and 40 ladies attended, most of whom had never heard of (in)courage, which did not matter in the slightest.
While reading my bible, God reminded me that the people in the bible had stories to share and are still sharing them with us today. They were messy and full of pain and joy and anger and wrapped in God's grace and love and mercy. Joseph spent thirteen years in Egypt as a slave. Thirteen! But God was not finished there and used that time to build him up, gave him favor in the eyes of everyone he met, which culminated with saving the lives of the Egyptians, as well as those of other. Wow!
The same is still the same with us today. We may not be written about in the bible or any book for that matter but our stories just may be written on the hearts of others. Of those we have touched through out our lives. Of those God has used us to speak life in to. Of those God has blessed us with as sons and daughters, husbands, aunts, moms, and dear friends.
It was a beautiful experience and I am so thankful God continues to push me outside of my comfort zone to accomplish things I never think are possible. And of course for an awesome partner who made 99% of the decor and came up with most of the ideas.
behind the scenes crew, minus the photographer |
Choosing Joy
CommentNothing can give you true joy but God and with that comes a choice. CHOOSE JOY. No other methods of numbing the anger or pain work, except making a deliberate choice to be joyful despite the situation, with God's help, of course. Despite the fact that your daughter is whining in the doctor's office during your son's visit and not listening in the slightest. Despite the fact that while leaving the public bathroom, which was a gamble in it of itself seeing as it was you who needed to be relieved, your daughter bursts in to full on hysterical tears after being kindly asked to sit back in her stroller and the lady outside gives you a look, since it sounded like you just beat her instead. It is choosing joy when you are almost in tears and tell your husband it has been a trying morning and he accuses you of trying to cut him off of coffee, since during that trying morning you overlooked it on the list while your daughter is guiding you through the store and you are praying there is not another melt down in sight.
Treasury Tuesday - Worship
CommentShout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made us, and are his.
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
-Psalm 100:1-3
'gifts for the music lover ' by hislovenduresforever
![]() Make a joyful noise unt...
| ![]() Green Fish brooch - ICH...
| ![]() Hand made fused glass c...
| ![]() Kelly Green Upcycled Mi...
![]() Unisex Guitar Pick Brac...
| ![]() Sing glass fused neckla...
| ![]() Music - T Shirt - Sted...
| ![]() Farmhouse coat & hat ra...
![]() Kelly Green - One Pom K...
| ![]() How He Loves Print- Gre...
| ![]() 6 Small Stone Cross Bea...
| ![]() Baby Necktie- Kelly Gre...
![]() Christian Greeting Card...
| ![]() Going to the Chapel - 8...
| ![]() amazing grace. 20x20. h...
| ![]() Music Lover Sing Green ...
Grad Party and Printable
CommentI have seen these burlap banners everywhere and could not resist making one myself |
my first attempt at cake bunting, next time I will use thicker paper and remove once candles are lit |
cupcake liners and toppers designed with my silhouette cameo, yay cameo! |
some sweets |
Ricardo on display :) |
Happy Wedding Season! {Bridal Shower Printables}
yummy desserts |
more desserts! |
and more =) |
Ultimate Blog Party 2012
8 CommentsGiving Thanks, thank you!
2 Commentsyes, he did the 90s jacket |
Oh So Happy Easter! Resurrection Printables and Cookie Recipe
CommentFor God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. - John 3:16
relationships in action.
CommentThis year I felt the need to keep the ball rolling with the intentional relationship focus but stepping it up a notch, only with God’s help and grace that is. I have been trying to figure out what that will look like in my day. Adding a coffee date with a friend. Sending a card. A phone call. I have been praying fervently that God will use my days to make a small difference and I know that he has been at work. After all, he instilled this in me.
Our view at Gungor (my camera did not want to focus) |
Change the World with Love
CommentAn epitaph is very ‘big picture.’ It seeks to capture the most important aspects of you're life. Since these words are not etched until after your dead, they are usually written by someone else, someone who looks at your life from the outside, all they have to go by many times is what you ‘did’ and how you spent your time, this is why it is so critical to get control of your schedule - to let who you are come out in what you do. People may look at your calendar of activities and completely miss what you would want them to see.
This inspired me to design a planner. One that would be best suited for my life now. One that would be fun; not like any other planner that I have had in the past. I have had a planner since middle school. My middle school gave a planner to every student on the first day. Those were quite fun actually. They included random facts and fun quotes. My favorite was from hockey player, Wayne Gretzky, you miss 100% of the shot you never take. I still remember it. After that, planners became basic but functional, which is why I opted out of buying another one. I needed one that would keep me focused on more than just what needs to get done. I needed one that would help me “fight to focus on Jesus,” as guest speaker, Pastor Ryan Stevenson said during his sermon on Sunday. (If you are interested in hearing the amazing message, you can listen to it via Podcast here)
This led me to the overall theme. The root of our existence is love. I can see this more so as I have become a mother, wife, sister, and friend. We are only capable of truly loving when we fully entrust ourselves to Jesus. Therefore, I have entwined verses pertaining to love throughout the pages as a reminder to myself to LOVE others because He loved me first. I cannot love on my own. True love can only come through Him.
Monthly Calendar, starting with March through December
Meal Planner with Shopping List
Share the Love
CommentWhole wheat sugar cookies and chocolate cookies topped with ganache, ready for packaging |
A small mountain of love <3 |
Recall Notice
CommentSome of the symptoms include:
1. Loss of direction
2. Foul vocal emissions
3. Amnesia of origin
4. Lack of peace and joy
5. Selfish or violent behavior
6. Depression or confusion
7. Fearfulness
8. Idolatry
9. Rebellion
Once connected, please upload your burden of SIN through the REPENTANCE procedure.
No matter how big or small the SIN defect is, Jesus will replace it with:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Kindness
6. Goodness
7. Faithfulness
8. Gentleness
9. Self control
Please see the operating manual, the B.I.B.L.E. (BEST Instructions Before Leaving Earth) for further details on the use of these fixes.
WARNING: Continuing to operate the human being unit without correction voids any manufacturer warranties, exposing the unit to dangers and problems too numerous to list, and will result in the human unit being permanently impounded. For free emergency service, call on Jesus.
DANGER: The human being units not responding to this recall action will have to be scrapped in the furnace. The SIN defect will not be permitted to enter Heaven so as to prevent contamination of that facility. Thank you for your attention!
P.S. Please assist where possible by notifying others of this important recall notice, and you may contact the Father any time by 'Knee mail'!
Because HE Lives!